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Why Buy A Weed Or Dry Herb Vaporizer?

Buying A Vaporizer Can Change Your Life

Some people call them Dry Herb vaporizers

but I like to call them Weed Vaporizers. I would recommend that you buy a weed vaporizer, everyone should. They are the future of smoking weed. Vaping products are getting more and more popular because they give such a tasty smooth smoke. I am a total convert to weed vaporizer. I am going to tell you about the many benefits and why I believe everyone should definitely buy a weed vaporizer.


A vaporizer is an electronic device that will heat your dry herbs hot enough so all the good stuff gets turned into a vapor. Unlike traditional smoking methods, the vaporizer will not totally burn your weed.

This means when inhaling you get more of the good stuff and less of the bad (i'm no doctor) but it is said weed vaporizers don't give off tar and the other impurities that can cause health problems and stink your house out, especially compared to mixing your dry herb with tobacco products.


Vaporizers get such a smooth healthier smoke. To avoid burning your weed you should regulate the heat the vaporizer produces. They don't burn your dry herb like traditional smoking products. Instead, they will heat up your weed to your set temperature normally ranging between 190 to 450 Fahrenheit (90 to 240 Celsius). When your tasty weed reaches its vaporization point it releases all of the good stuff, you can then inhale it with much joy.

There are 2 ways a vaporizer can heat your herb products to produce your tasty weed vapor. One is the process of convection and the other is the process of conduction.

The convection process does not involve heating your dry herbs directly. Hot air is passed through your weed and this produces the tasty vapor. This method that gets the most out of your dry herbs.

The other way is the conduction process. This process means you apply direct heat to your dry herb which means it is possible to burn your weed like traditional methods.


1. It is healthier

Your Weed does not get burnt when

you use a vaporizer. This means it does not produce the as much smoke that contains the tar and carcinogens that are known to be unhealthy and cause disease. It still produces all the good stuff that we want. Research has shown that it is the tar in cigarettes that kills and not the nicotine. If you use a vaporizer there is hardly any of the nasty tar produced. You will Quickly notice the benefits of this when you switch from smoking to vaporizing. Your breathing will become easier, I noticed this within a few days of switching.

2. Sneaky Smoking

Herbs like cannabis, produce hardly any smoke or odor when vaporized. It won't stink your house out with smoke that hangs in the air nearly as much as traditional methods. Using a vaporizer also means you can pull it out and take a hit anywhere. You don't need to find somewhere that is out of the wind.

3. A better tasting smoke

Some people don't like smoking weed because it means inhaling tar-filled smoke from a cannabis joint, Non-smokers are obviously turned off by this traditional method. Vaping your dry herb means you are not actually burning your dry herb, cannabis or weed, which means the taste is completely different. It is the terpene particles that are responsible for most of the flavour in your herb. They also have a therapeutic effect the same as cannabinoids. When you burn your dry herb, weed or cannabis most of the terpenes are destroyed straight away. When you vaporize, the flavour molecules are not destroyed which means you can enjoy the different flavours of different types of bud compared to traditional methods where they all taste like smoke.

4. You get more bang for your buck

When you buy a vaporizer the investment is relatively high compared to buying papers a pipe or a bong. However, once you buy a vaporizer you will start to save money as when vaping your herb, weed or cannabis you don't use nearly as much to get the same satisfying hit. This means your product will last you longer, this is because when using traditional methods for smoking your weed, herb or cannabis you actually burn the product, which means a lot of the good stuff is burnt away before you inhale it. Whereas using a vaporizer you get to inhale all of the good stuff with no wastage. You will get a better hit from the same amount of product when vaping.

5. Simplicity of use

Once you buy a vaporizer it means you don't have to build a weed, herb or cannabis joint. You simply fill the chamber and enjoy your tar free tasty hits. This is especially useful for people who cant actually roll joints or if you enjoy smoking outdoors.

6. You control the vapor

There are many different types of vaporizers on the market and they all have settings so that you can set it to your preference. You can set vaporizers at different heat levels. This means you control the amount of vapor and flavor you get from your hits, unlike traditional methods for smoking weed, herb, or cannabis where you spark it and you get what you get.

7. A Better High

Most people who use a vaporizer to consume cannabis, weed or dry herb report that they get a better high and are still able to function after vaping. This is thought to be because using a vaporizer does not produce the hazardous smoke that traditional methods produce. Meaning you get a cleaner more light-headed high.

8. They are portable, mostly.

Most vaporizers come in compact, small sizes so they are convenient to fit in your pocket and be carried around. This makes them ideal for people who like to smoke there herbs, weed or cannabis wherever they go as you can simply pull out a pre-filled vaporizer and have a puff.

9. No second-hand smoke.

Using a vaporizer to vape your herbs, weed or cannabis means there is minimal second-hand smoke that may be a health risk to people in your company so you can get high in more places as fewer people will object to the odor.

Now you have to buy a vaporizer and join in the revolution of vaporizing. You can get all these benefits of vaporizing your weed, herbs or cannabis so buy a vaporizer and join in the fun!

Why exactly is using a weed or dry herb vaporizer healthier than traditional methods of smoking?

Using a vaporizer to consume your dry herb, weed or cannabis is much healthier than any of the traditional methods of smoking, it doesn’t matter if you use paper joints a pipe or a bong or whatever. As more and more studies and experiments are being carried out by scientists, doctors and those within the herb and weed smokers community it is becoming common knowledge that replacing your traditional smoking methods by going out to buy a vaporizer will result in a healthier smoking habit with fewer carcinogens and toxins being inhaled. Smoking and the process of combustion results in smokers inhaling hundreds of toxic chemicals that are extremely damaging to our health. These toxic fumes are also harmful to the people in your company in the form of 2nd hand smoke so just imagine the damage that is being done to your pets as they breathe in the 2nd hand smoke. Here is a list of only some of the diseases caused by these toxic chemicals:


This is a chronic lung disease that can make it difficult for your lungs to breath, it becomes impossible for your lungs to absorb the oxygen that is getting breathed in. Smoking can trigger asthma attacks in people who have never previously suffered from asthma. Are you ready to buy a weed or dry herb vaporizer yet?


Smoking is often linked to type 2 diabetes. Smokers are believed to be 30 or 40 more at risk of developing this disease. Smoking can also increase the risk of other complications once you are diagnosed with diabetes such as kidney and heart failure, nerve damage, blindness and poor blood flow that often leads to amputation of toes feet and legs. Are you ready to buy a dry herb or weed vaporizer yet?

Lung Cancer:

More people die from this type of cancer than any other cancer. It is said smoking is the cause of over 85% of all lung cancer. 80% of patients die within 5 years of being diagnosed with this horrific form of cancer. When you buy a dry herb or weed vaporizer you can stop worrying about this. Are you ready to buy a weed or dry herb vaporizer?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD):

Another debilitating lung disease that makes it generally hard to breathe and even more difficult to stay active. Patients with this disease often experience shortness of breath by doing basic tasks like climbing stairs or attempting to walk the dog. Are you ready to buy a weed or dry herb vaporizer?

Heart Disease:

This is one of the most common causes of death in the world and smoking causes damage to almost every organ in the body and is especially damaging to the heart. Smoking is known to cause blockages in blood flow to the heart due to clogged arteries from fatty deposits. Coronary Artery Disease is the most common form of heart disease and is the most common form of heart failure. Are you ready to buy a weed or dry herb vaporizer yet?


Similar to heart disease, strokes are often triggered by blockages in the major arteries that deliver blood and oxygen to the brain. When blood flow to the brain is slowed it will often trigger a stroke. If you have a stroke the symptoms tend to be slurred speech, paralysis, altered brain function and death. Are you ready to buy a dry herb or weed vaporizer yet?

This is only a small sample of diseases that are caused by traditional forms of smoking. Whether you are smoking for recreational or medicinal use you really should choose the healthier way to smoke your dry herb or weed and buy a vaporizer today.

Things to consider when choosing your vaporizer


First of all, you have to decide how much you want to spend on your investment.

Budget models will cost around $50 whereas top or the range models will sell for over $500. If you are buying your first vaporizer you might want to buy a less expensive model to try it out and decide if it's for you.

Heat Up Time

Vaporizers are not instant and do take some time to heat up like an iron does, some take longer than others.

Vaporizers that use ceramic heat chambers for its heat source may take up to an hour to achieve optimum temperature whereas vaporizers using direct flames may only take a few minutes. So if you are looking to achieve a hit in under 5 minutes you definitely want a direct flame vaporizer as it helps to buy a model that fits with your lifestyle.

Size and Convenience

Where and when do you plan on using your Vaporizer? Large desktop vaporizers are best left at home as most require a mains connection. Portable vapes can fit in your pocket so are good for carrying around with you. Some vapes are like secret agent devices and disguised to look like other items. Such as one that looks like an asthma inhaler.

Type of Model

You might want to buy less expensive models at first until you find your preferred device. Some take more expertise than others. Tube and flame devices require you to take a draw from the vaporizer with a controlled inhalation. Balloon style vaporizers like the popular Volcano are easiest to use but are large and need a mains plug so it is best left on a desktop and they do take a while to heat up. You will master any type of vaporizer that you purchase. There are many different types so you may have to experiment to find the perfect method for usage.

Heat Type

Vaporizers are heated using two common methods, convection vs conduction. In a convection model, the herbal blend is heated by warmed air. This method provides even heating and allows for adequate temperature control.

Conduction models, on the other hand, use heating elements which directly heat the herbal blend. While conduction models require more work and pose a higher risk of burning, they're also less expensive and smaller in size.

Temperature Regulation

Most vaporizers have temperature controls that will reduce the risk of combustion and help avoid smokey fumes from burning your dry herb. The two types of temperature regulators are analogue dials or digital displays. Analogue controlled heat regulators tend to be more consistent than digital displays.

The temperature control is dependent on you drawing a regulated breath so it might take some practice to find your ideal heat setting but practicing this can be a lot of fun.

Power Supply

Your dry herb vaporizer can have two possible power sources, a built-in butane mechanism which might concern some people due to the fact it contains flammable material, but they are safety tested to a good standard.

The second source is electricity which can mean using a wall socket or a battery. Some battery models do have an option to plug it into a wall or USB and recharge it whilst you are using it.

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