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Doctors Say Using A Weed Or Dry Herb Vaporizer Is The Healthiest Option

3 Studies Suggest A Vaporizer Is Good For Your Lungs

This is why everyone should buy a weed or dry herb vaporizer.

It has been found that the healthiest way of consuming weed, Dry Herb or Cannabis apart from eating it. Is using a weed or dry herb vaporizer and this is according to both users and doctors.

Smoking has always been the most common way of consuming your weed, dry herb or cannabis. Smoking 100% product is not as harmful as tobacco. But it is still bad for your lungs.

Vaping is an alternative to traditional smoking methods. It will greatly reduce the negative effects. There is a massive choice when you decide to buy a vaporizer. From tabletop to pocket sizes they come in all shapes and sizes. Even secret agent ones that look like something else, like an asthma inhaler, for instance.

Vaporizers are still quite new to the market. There has not been a massive amount of research to know exactly how much healthier they are. There have been some studies that do suggest they offer health benefits compared to traditional methods. I recommend you should buy a vaporizer.

1. Vaporizing Weed reduces harmful toxins

A study in 2007 did show vaping does help prevent exposure to the most harmful toxins in smoke. It is especially significant that researchers discovered if you use a vaporizer it delivers the same amount of THC into your bloodstream. But less of the harmful toxins like carbon monoxide, compared to smoking.

The research group concluded that vaporizing your weed, dry herb or cannabis is a healthier option. It produces the same effects as smoking but reduces the harmful toxins you breathe in.

2.Vaporizing Results In Less Lung Problems

Another study from 2007 links using a weed vaporizer to a reduction in respiratory problems. This study looked at tobacco and weed/ dry herb/ cannabis users. It discovered the use of a vaporizer resulted in fewer reports of “phlegm, cough and tightness in the chest”. Than those who use traditional methods.

The effect was more profound among heavy weed users. The researchers came to the conclusion that “Regular users of bongs, pipes, joints or blunts might reduce lung problems. By switching to a dry herb/ weed/ cannabis vaporizer.”

3. Switching to a vaporizer can improve lung function

A 2010 study took things a step further. This research group studied 20 weed smokers who had existing lung problems. They gave the group a vaporizer to use for a month-long period.

After a month of using a vaporizer, the researchers evaluated the 20 vapers and discovered “Meaningful improvements in lung function.” Surprisingly they also claimed using a vaporizer resulted in improvement of lung function that is comparable to quitting smoking.

76% Of Doctors Approve of Medical Marijuana

This is the way forwards. everyone should buy a weed vaporizer

Research shows that 61% of Americans want marijuana to be legalized. Surprisingly a poll also showed that the majority of doctors are also in favor of making cannabis/ dry herb/ weed available for medicinal purposes.

In response to the results of the survey. Researchers stated: “We were surprised by the outcome of polling and comments. 76% of votes were in favor of marijuana being used for medicinal purposes, even though marijuana is illegal in most countries.”

The responses were gathered from 1,446 doctors. 72 different countries. 56 different provinces and states in North America were recorded in the results.

Most commonly used drug

Weed/ Marijuana is the most commonly used drug in America. A survey in 2008

showed that 15.2 million people had used weed in the month previous of the survey. 75% of people who use illegal drugs had consumed it.

Smoking marijuana is definitely losing its stigma. More and more studies published show it is beneficial for mood, pain relief and increased appetite for patients who have a medical prescription. The report also showed many other benefits. However, the National Institute on Drug Abuse says the evidence of its benefits marijuana provides is still not enough to give weed Food and Drug Administration approval.

There are a growing number of states that do allow possession of marijuana with a doctors prescription. Colorado, Oregon, Alaska and Washington were the first states to legalize weed for recreational use.

Doctors who prescribe medical marijuana generally say it is their responsibility as caregivers to minimize the suffering of there patients. It is the personal choice of their patients. There are already clear dangers from prescription narcotics and painkillers.

Dr J Bostwick who is a professor at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, was one of the doctors who promoted legalization and he talks about its benefits. “ There is nothing that is 100% in medicine. The evidence suggests that further studies should be carried out. There is likely fire where there’s smoke and further research should be carried out on the benefits a medicinal use of marijuana.”

Some People Object

People who object to medicinal marijuana say there is a lack of evidence and uncertainty where the product is coming from. They also say there are problems surrounding dosage levels and possible side effects.

A doctor who opposed the use of medicinal marijuana said: “ Heavy marijuana smokers can suffer from many adverse effects. Both health and social negative aspects including memory and executive function, psycho motor function impairments, marijuana use disorders. Also other psychiatric conditions such as psychosis, poor work and school performance and impaired driving performance.”

Doctors on both sides of the debate question whether the use of weed or dry herb should be the choice of the patients or the doctor. Much debate surrounded the question of should marijuana be the choice of the doctors of the patients. Should it be legalized to make let the patients decide for themselves whether they use it or not?

People generally think of joint smoking, eating cookies or smoking a bong when they think of using the dry herb, cannabis or weed. But this new method for using weed has changed the way people smoke it.

Vaping is getting ever more popular as a convenient and healthier way of consuming weed, dry herb or cannabis. It turns your product into vapor and cuts out many of the bad toxins.

You Should read this before you buy a vaporizer

How Dry Herb Vaporizers Work

You can use different products in a vaporizer. Such as cannabidiol (CBD) oil or dried weed is popular for use in a vaporizer. Many experts do believe vaping is healthier than traditional methods for consuming weed, dry herb or cannabis. It cuts out many of the unhealthy toxins that damage the lungs. There are three main types of vaporizers. Convective heating, conductive heating, radiant or infrared heating and I will give you some information about each of these below

Convective Heating

This Method heats up the air so that your product doesn’t have to go near any sort of heating element. Air is heated to the desired temperature. It is then moved through the device either by a fan or by inhalation to the compartment that has your product in it. This hot air vaporizes your weed, dry herb or cannabis and turns it into vapor.

Conductive Heating

This method involves positioning your weed, dry herb or cannabis onto a surface that is heated through electricity. this type of surface is called a hot plate because it gets extremely hot. It is usually a piece of solid metal that is heated up. The heat it generates then heats up a chamber where the heat vaporizes your product and turns it into vapor.

Radiant Heating

This type of vaporizer provides the heat either through electricity or a light source. This heat goes into the product and gradually increases the temperature until it vaporizes your weed, dry herb or cannabis. Some of these models use a combination of conductive and radiant heating as well as a battery that transfers heat.

How To Use A Vaporizer Correctly

There are different ways to use a vaporizer depending on the material you are vaporizing. If you are using weed or dried herb you are best grinding it down. This is so that it covers a larger area on the heating surface or fills the convective heating compartment. This helps you get more benefit from less of your product. If you use concentrate such as cannabis CBD oil or wax you only need a small amount in order to get a good high.

338 degrees Fahrenheit is the best temperature for vaporizing weed or dry herb products. Whereas concentrates will vaporize typically at 285 degrees Fahrenheit. Compare these temperatures to smoking a joint which can burn at a temperature as high as 2000 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Vaporizers typically have a control that will let users set the temperature.

What Are The Benefits Of Vaping?

The main advantage and benefit of using a vaporizer is you won't have to experience any of the unhealthy effects of inhaling toxic smoke. There are allegedly no documented cases of weed, dry herb or cannabis vapor causing lung cancer or lung damage.

Varieties Of Vaporizer

All Vaporizers all have some sort of heating system. There are many different styles and sizes of weed vaporizer available on the market.

Here are some of the most popular ones

Balloon Vaporizers

This type of weed vaporizer uses a big bag that looks like a balloon when it is full of smoke, hence the name. The bag is filled with vapor then removed. You then suck in the vapor your product has created. The bag is big enough to be passed around, similar to the way you would pass a joint or bong around. But remember sharing medicinal marijuana can be illegal in some states. Recreational marijuana is still illegal in many states.

Direct Draw Vaporizers

Direct draw vaporizers have a mouthpiece that comes out of the heating unit. Draws are taken directly from where the dry herb, weed or cannabis is vaporized. The mouthpieces can be permanently attached or some can be removed.

Pen Vaporizers

A pen vaporizer is in the shape of a pen. You get larger and smaller designs, some are even shaped like an e-cigarette. These are the simplest to use and are usually less expensive than other types of vaporizers. They are also good if you want to take a sneaky puff somewhere. They do take some practice to figure out the best settings to get the most vapor out of your product without burning your weed, dry herb or cannabis.

Portable Vaporizers

Portable vaporizers are good for someone who wants to vape in a variety of locations. They are normally larger than pen vaporizers and are usually rechargeable. They come in different models that often use a flame or butane to heat your product.

Stationary Vaporizers

Desktop vaporizers are normally the top of the range option. They are called stationary vaporizers because they are not easy to carry about. They normally have the most features and settings and have to be plugged into work. These vaporizers typically offer the best quality smoke. They have a larger compartment for heating your weed, dry herb or cannabis.

Tubing Vaporizers

These vaporizers are also known as whip vaporizers because it has a long tube coming out of it. these are usually made of silicone and about 3 feet long. The mouthpiece is at one end of the tube and the other is connected to the heating element that vaporizes your weed, dry herb or cannabis.

Vaporizing weed, dry herb and cannabis products have become a favored method for many medicinal marijuana patients in many states where it is legal to smoke these products. Lots of people will tell you that it gives you all the benefits of traditional smoking methods. But without the negative effects such as a constant cough or phlegm. It is also more convenient and discreet than the traditional methods of smoking.


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